About project
Asociation of the workers of the intervention centres of the Czech republic (APIC) has started a project focused on the improvement of the practice in prevention, identification and fighting against the domestic violence through professional specialization.
„Through the national campaign called „Silence hurts“ we want to break the myths and taboos about the domestic violence. Our goal is to inform the public about the function of intervention centres of the Czech republic, together with the begining of interdisciplinary discussion about the improvement of helping people who are endangered by the domestic violence in the Czech republic“, says the chairwoman of the APIC, Mgr. Martina Vojtíšková.
The project includes extensive sociological research among experts and users of services for endangered people. This research is focused on identification of options for dealing with cases of domestic violence. APIC prepares educational applications for workers of those institutions which are involved in this issue and also prepares the edition of a nonfiction book about domestic violence in the Czech republic.
The campaign Silence hurts is supported by many celebrities. For this campaign, there were lent well-known faces of actresses Ilona Svobodová, Michaela Kuklová, Andrea Kerestešová, Michaela Maurerová and Lenka Zahradnická, actor David Suchařípa or olympic sportsman Roman Šebrle. The patronage over the campaign took the Vice-chairman of the Senate of the Czech republic, Ing. Miluše Horská.